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skip navigationUSQ takes player safety very seriously, and because quadball is a full-contact sport, safety must always be at the forefront of our minds. Concussions, in particular, are a constant concern in all sports that involve tackling. Please note that the youth version of our sport has adjusted physical contact, with no charging and little to no tackling (depending on the age level and preferences of the participants).
There are no COVID-19 protocols in place for the 2023-24 season.
Any questions can be directed to riskmanagement@usquadball.org.
A concussion is a type of brain injury that changes the way your brain functions regularly, generally caused by a bump or blow to the head. A concussion can also be caused by a fall or blow to the body that results in the head and brain quickly moving back and forth.
It is very important that you and your team recognize the symptoms of a concussion because a repeat concussion (a second concussion sustained before an individual recovers from the first) can greatly increase the likelihood of longer-term problems. A certified healthcare professional should evaluate each and every athlete after a major fall and/or blow to the head. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control has many valuable resources available for athletes, parents, and coaches. You should review all the CDC’s available information before your season begins. Please note that all USQ-certified coaches are required to complete an NFHS concussion training session. This resource and more are available below.
Please also familiarize yourself with the Concussion Recognition and Response app.
This app is not intended to replace seeking help from a trained medical professional but guides you through concussion symptoms and recommends treatment options. This is a great resource for keeping your players as safe as possible!
Starting with the publication of Rulebook 9 in 2015, USQ requires all players to wear mouthguards at all official games. This rule has been upheld with all the latest editions of our rulebook.
USQ strives to produce safe events for its participants. A number of safety measures are put in place at each USQ-produced event to ensure this. Safety requirements are also put in place and reviewed for any USQ-sanctioned event.
Certified athletic trainers are always on-site at USQ events. Medical tents are set up around the facility to ensure quick and attentive service can be provided. At USQ events, an ATC or EMT can medically disqualify a player at any time for any medical reason.
Players with potential concussions are not permitted to play in any games until they have been cleared by an athletic trainer or a primary care physician. If medical staff onsite see a player with concussion-like symptoms, the player must submit to a concussion test if asked to do so, or they will be disqualified until further notice. If any member of the team notices one of their players with concussion-like symptoms, they must escort the player to be examined by medical staff. Playing while concussed or knowing that your teammate is concussed and continuing to have them play will result in being disqualified from the remainder of the tournament.
Per the USQ Rulebook, all jewelry must be removed prior to gameplay.
Water is always available at each field and other key locations at USQ events.
USQ has various policies in place to ensure safe conduct during events. Please review USQ’s Code of Conduct, Fair Play, Player Disciplinary, and Unlawful Harassment policies. It is everyone’s responsibility to make sure this event is a fun, fair, and safe environment for all participants. Violations of the Code of Conduct will not be tolerated.
If you or someone you know feels threatened or experiences an unsafe situation, please contact USQ Senior Director of Membership & Operations Megan Anderson. They will work quickly and efficiently to resolve the situation and remove victims from unsafe situations. In pre-event resource packets, phone numbers are always provided to participants to ensure there are additional ways to contact USQ for any concerns.
US Quadball's complaint procedure provides for an immediate, thorough, and objective investigation of any claim of unlawful or prohibited harassment, appropriate disciplinary action against one found to have engaged in prohibited harassment, and appropriate remedies for any victim of harassment.
If you believe you have been harassed, or if you are aware of the harassment of others, you should report it to USQ.
Learn more about this procedure and how to report here.